éxito comercial - traduzione in Inglese
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éxito comercial - traduzione in Inglese

Almacenes Exito; Almacenes Éxito
  • Fachada de Almacenes Éxito en el Centro Comercial Alfaguara en Jamundí, donde estaba La 14

galería comercial         
n. shopping arcade
galería comercial         
(n.) = shopping arcade, walking arcade
Ex: This grid of streets contains a number of bars, restaurants, art galleries, cafes, shops, and shopping arcades. Ex: Similar types of studies also can be carried out to examine the distribution and social activities of people in extensive institutional spaces such as malls, plazas, walking arcades, and marketplaces.
= commercial, commercially available, entrepreneurial, fee-based, marketing, priceable, for-profit, consumer-like, business-like, business-related, market-orientated [market orientated], profit-making, profit-related, readily available, trade-oriented, profit-orientated, marketable, business, off-the-shelf, commercially operated, market-oriented [market oriented], profit-oriented, out of the box, profit-generating.
Ex: It is these features which have led co-operative members to select these systems rather than those of the commercial software vendor.
Ex: Computerized information-retrieval systems are also very prominent in commercially available online search systems and applications.
Ex: It was noteworthy that nearly all SLIS were maintaining their IT materials as much, if not more, from earnings from entrepreneurial activity than out of institutional allocation.
Ex: The imposition of fee-based services may radically curtail the breadth of resources available to library users where historically information has been offered freely.
Ex: Business International Inc. is another US service covering economic and marketing activities in over seventy countries.
Ex: Neither are the latter group, in the course of their professional activities, likely to feel that the treatment of information as a priceable commodity compromises a principle fundamental to their professional ethic.
Ex: The friction in this industry between private, for-profit services and not-for-profit learned societies or government bodies is deep-seated.
Ex: I tried to say at the very outset of my remarks that there probably has not been sufficient consumer-like and assertive leverage exerted upon our chief suppliers.
Ex: It was generally felt that US libraries are organised on more business-like lines than those in the Netherlands.
Ex: Twinning of libraries in different countries can bring benefits in terms of joint projects, student exchanges, and other buisness-related affairs.
Ex: In the middle range of authorship there is, then, quite a wide band of writing stretching from the scholarly to the market-orientated = En el nivel medio de autoría existe, pues, a una gran gama de producciones escritas que van desde lo científico a lo comercial.
Ex: Many types of budgets are not really applicable to libraries, since libraries are not primarily profit-making institutions.
Ex: However these distinctions are not always clear cut, the public sector may pursue profit-related goals and the private sector may adopt other goals besides profit (improving work environments, quality of life).
Ex: Librarians generally adopt the common strategy of simply using readily available sources of information.
Ex: Trade-oriented scholarly presses also predict more titles, smaller press runs and higher prices.
Ex: Information producers and sellers are profit-orientated.
Ex: Central to this is the belief that information is a marketable commodity.
Ex: A major concern of the journal will be the business, economic, legal, societal and technological relationships between information technology and information resource management.
Ex: A standard off-the-shelf version costs 450 and fully tailored systems usually fall into the range 1,250 -- 1,450.
Ex: There are a number of microfilming centres in the country including two commercially operated microfilming services.
Ex: The market oriented economy is changing the role of information and business information services.
Ex: The author points out dangers inherent in the fact that on-line data bases are privately owned and profit-oriented.
Ex: Software vendors provide manuals for the "out of the box" programs they sell.
Ex: Examples of determined efforts to erase the intellectual boundaries between the profit-generating models of business and the intellectual pursuits of the academic community are considered.
* actividad comercial = commercial activity.
* anuncio comercial = commercial.
* aplicación comercial = commercial application, business application.
* aplicaciones comerciales = commercial software.
* argumento comercial = business case.
* asequible en establecimiento comercial = over the counter.
* aviación comercial = commercial aviation.
* bajo comercial = commercial premise.
* banco comercial = business bank.
* barrera comercial = trade barrier.
* carta comercial = business letter.
* casa comercial = house.
* caso comercial = business case.
* catálogo comercial de compra por correo = mail order catalogue.
* centro comercial = shopping centre, shopping precinct, mall of shops, plaza.
* compañía comercial = business firm.
* correspondencia comercial = business correspondence.
* déficit comercial = trade deficit.
* déficit de la balanza comercial = trade deficit.
* de gran éxito comercial = high selling.
* demanda comercial = market demand, commercial demand.
* de modo comercial = on a commercial basis.
* de un gran éxito comercial = best selling [bestselling/best-selling], top-selling.
* de uso comercial = commercially-owned.
* directorio comercial = trade directory, traders" list, traders" catalogue.
* directorio comercial por calles = street directory.
* diversificación comercial = business diversification.
* edificio comercial = commercial building.
* editor comercial = commercial publisher.
* editorial comercial = publishing firm, publishing press.
* emporio comercial = emporium [emporia, -pl.].
* empresa comercial = business firm.
* estafa comercial = business scam.
* estrategia comercial = business plan, market strategy.
* éxito comercial = commercial success, financial success.
* firma comercial = commercial firm, firm, commercial enterprise, business firm.
* galería comercial = shopping arcade, walking arcade.
* horario comercial = business hours.
* industria de las exposiciones comerciales = trade show industry.
* inglés "comercial" = pidgin English.
* licencia comercial = trading licence.
* mantener relaciones comerciales = do + business.
* marca comercial = brand name, servicemark, trade name.
* mundo comercial, el = commercial world, the.
* nación comercial = trading nation.
* no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
* para uso comercial = commercially-owned.
* poco comercial = uncommercial.
* presentación comercial = technical presentation.
* producto comercial = retail product.
* programa informático comercial = commercial application, commercial software.
* programas comerciales = commercial software.
* proyecto comercial = marketing project.
* razonamiento comercial = business case.
* relaciones comerciales = business dealings.
* rentabilidad comercial = business profitability.
* representante comercial = business traveller.
* riesgo comercial = business risk.
* secreto comercial = competitive information.
* sector comercial, el = profit-oriented sector, the, profit sector, the, commercial sector, the, for-profit sector, the.
* sector no comercial, el = not-for-profit sector, the, non-profit sector, the.
* servicio comercial = commercial service.
* sistema comercial = market system, commercial system.
* situado en la calle comercial = shop-front [shopfront] .
* socio comercial = business associate.
* software comercial = commercial software.
* vehículo comercial = commercial vehicle.
* viajante comercial = business traveller.
* visión comercial = business acumen.
* vuelo comercial = commercial flight.
* zona comercial = business district, shopping area, shopping district.


galería comercial
Calle peatonal interior con establecimientos independientes y complementarios, que tiene una imagen y promoción común.


Éxito (supermercado)

Éxito es una cadena colombiana de supermercados e hipermercados pertenecientes al Grupo Éxito. Es la cadena de supermercados más grande de Colombia y tiene presencia en el territorio nacional con alrededor de 390 almacenes ubicados en 175 municipios, siendo Bogotá la ciudad con más almacenes de la marca.

Esempi dal corpus di testo per éxito comercial
1. En su estreno no tuvo todo el éxito comercial que se esperaba.
2. No tuvo el éxito comercial de El método Grцnholm, pero tampoco lo pretendía.
3. Debió su éxito comercial al sustituir en los años cincuenta a los barbitúricos -compuestos con estrecho margen terapéutico entre dosis útil y letal y alto potencial de abuso- en el tratamiento de dichos problemas.
4. El 2005 será recordado, gracias a Charlie..., como el ańo en el que, por primera vez en su carrera, el respeto y el apoyo crítico estuvieron acompańados por el éxito comercial a gran escala.
5. El escaso éxito comercial de los Coen nunca les ha detenido en Hollywood: ya poseen el Oscar al mejor guión con Fargo y este año podrían conseguir el de mejor dirección.